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Pushy Broad from the Bronx

Jul 29, 2020

Now, more than ever, we all need to get our anger under control. In order to make it through, we need to know how to express and process our anger safely. A very valuable show to let go of this powerful negative emotion!

Jul 22, 2020

Back by popular demand. The pandemic may make dating difficult to do, so why not stay single? Join a rising population of people who enjoy being single, because being single doesn't suck!

Jul 15, 2020

The last day to file your taxes is a perfect time to talk about Love and Money! This episode is back by popular demand. How do love and money intertwine? Listen and find out!

Jul 13, 2020

Are you or is someone you know trying to stay in recovery but struggling with a possible mental health disorder? Where do you turn for help?  Listen to the expert Nelson Hadler, LCSW, talk about co-occurring substance abuse and mental health problems and what to do about it. You do not want to miss this! Tell...

Jul 8, 2020

Summer is here and so is summer love. Let's see if dating is different for different stages of your life. A fun episode with "millennial" and "boomer" points of view.